Thank you for your support!
Your donation allows us to continue the work we do in Ethiopia! It allows communities have access to clean drinking water, food, and education. Click the button below to begin the donating process!
Sponsoring A Child?
Thank you for choosing to make an impact in a child’s life! Follow the steps below to complete your sponsorship. Your sponsorship will start a beautiful relationship, give the child education, and a head start on breaking the cycle of poverty.
Thank you.
Step One
Take note of the child's ID number and name. You will need it for the Sponsorship Form.
Step Two
Click the button below!
Ensure that the project selected is "sponsorship"
and that it is a recurring donation.
Sponsorships can be either:
a full ($90) or partial ($45).
Step Three
After filling in your credit card info, in the "memo" section of the form, please note the child's name and their ID number.
Once you click "Give" , you're all set!
Looking for other Sponsorship Options?
If you’d like to sponsor a child by cheque or ETF, please email us with the subject line “Life Sponsorship Payment”
Thank You!
We’re so fortunate to have the support of consultants, local businesses, and other service providers.
With their support, we are able to do our work in Ethiopia.